Mix-up or being lost due to too many choices, known/unknown external factors or possibly one’s ignorance and lack of knowledge. Mix-up or confusion is akin to a sudden regain of consciousness on a midday nap; a state where mind and body still stuck between reality and delusion.
CHNG CHIN KANG is the name on my birth certificate but there is no Chinese name. It was my primary one teacher who determined the Chinese name 庄青刚; a name attained from my mother’s Fujian pronunciation. However, on a trip to the cemetery, we found out that the name engraved on our grandmother’s tomb is 庄清江. Trusting that both last names in Fujian sound alike; it is the only rational explanation to my teacher conferring me the name I’m still using.
我的报生纸上的英文名字叫CHNG CHIN KANG,没有中文名字。中文名字叫庄青刚,是小一老师从母亲的福建话发音翻译过来的。然而有一天到墓地扫墓,发现刻着的庄清江才是阿嬷给我的正确名字。相信两个名字的方言发音相同,难怪老师会给予我如今仍然应用着的名字。小时候另一件费解的是自己的姓氏;我和其他三个家庭成员的姓与父亲的不同。
Another mix-up is associated to our surname; my 3 other siblings and I share a surname which is different from our father’s. We are from Fujian Jinmen; our surname should be CHNG. However, my 6 other brothers and sisters as well as our father have the surname CHENG, which is a Chaozhou pinyin or pronunciation for 庄. Nevertheless, up till now, none of us intend to correct the mistake on our identity cards; in any case accuracy of father and son blood relation is undeniable.
阿公是福建金门岛南来的福建人,故以闽南语发音的CHNG 才算正确,而其他兄弟姐妹及父亲的CHENG 应该是潮州人的拼音法。不过,直到如今我们都没有更改身份证上的错误,反正父子关系的正确性是肯定的。

At about 30 years old, I was diagnosed with cancer and had to undergo two surgical operations and a course of radiotherapy treatment; the innumerable subsequent visits to doctors honestly have me ponder a lot on the rigorous test in life. However, I believed that my anguish would pale into insignificance if compared to what our mother had gone through. Our mother had given birth to 10 children; had several surgical operations in her middle age; a sufferer of dementia and wheelchair bound in her old age. All this along with other minor illnesses, mother had been in and out of the hospital rather often. I believe no one likes being sick, being admitted to hospital or being placed on the operating table. Nevertheless, it’s not easy for bystanders to figure out the confused, blurry feelings and the state soon after one had been injected with anesthetics. The ironies are these experiences aid one to enrich his/her life; it also helps one to be more tolerant and open-minded.
The demise of our parent also made me realize that life is variable. However, it’s still difficult to acknowledge the sudden death of any lifetime acquaintances and to accept that she would soon be cremated. This made me ill and uncomfortable at heart, and also ponder on where had the dead gone? I’m also constantly thinking about the meaning in life and its significance; perhaps many may advocate religious conviction during his/her life; perhaps life has no significance. We started from scratch, gradually become more complex and then back to zero again in the end.
父母亲的相继过世让我体会到人生无常,而往生者也不知去了哪里?然而叫我难以接受的是看着一个与我生活了半辈子的人突然间冷冰冰地躺在床上,不久后便得推进火炉里火化,感知中的大部分是空空的甚是难受。 我无时无刻不在思考着生命的意义,也许人们已在宗教里找到自己生存的意义?或许生命本来就没什么意义可言; 我们由零开始,逐渐增加并复杂化,但到头来又回到零等值。
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